Thursday, March 25, 2010
I am still alive
Just haven't been much in the mood for blogging. Perhaps something will strike me soon and I'll be writing all kinds of stuff. Until then...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Adventures in Moving
So the move officially started on Friday, and it was pretty much over on Saturday evening, though there were a few things from my place that had to get picked up on Sunday, and my place and the boyfriend’s both had to get cleaned on Sunday as well. I got all but $25 of my deposit back so I was happy…the last place I live was so awful that the three of us had to pay over $600 back all together. So now everything is in the place but certainly not put away. He has a lot more than me but not all my stuff is put away either. I even missed work yesterday, partly due to simply being exhausted, and didn’t get a whole lot done. A lot of what I did was sleep, though. I think I needed it after the whole weekend and how tired I was. I’ll give you a synopsis.
I took Friday off because that was the day we started and the day we got the keys to the new place. That day the boyfriend hired packers to come over and get his stuff packed up, which sounded lazy to a lot of people (including some of you, perhaps?) but it was a blessing, really. They were efficient and given the amount of stuff he had and the lack of help we thought we might have it was a good idea. His sister came up and a friend of his came over, who can pretty much lift a car. :) At first we thought his sister might be the only person we would have to help with the move but luckily this friend was able to get time off of work. Another friend wrote the boyfriend an email saying it would be against his beliefs to help an unmarried couple move in together so…anyway, I was glad this friend came through.
The boyfriend’s sister brought two tall bookshelves from IKEA up to put together for the purposes of combining our DVD collections, and we decided to go buy desks that day and put them together that night because the majority of the stuff wasn’t getting moved until the next day. The packers were actually moving the stuff the next day (Saturday). We moved some of my stuff over Friday, but basically all I was able to do was hang some clothes in the closet due to lack of places to put other things. So, the boyfriend and I both found desks and we brought them back and by that time another friend had gotten off of work and decided to make his way over. I’ll tell you now we ended up with more help than we ever thought we would- the boyfriend has some awesome friends and I am very grateful for it. The desks, well, his was easy to put together. Mine was an accident waiting to happen. And it’s now together after hours of labor (by the friends, mind you) and the drawers don’t quite work correctly but I am not going to complain (at least not to them). It bugs me a little but I’ll live, the thing was so complex! They’re good enough and I’ll definitely be making cookies in the near future as a gesture of thanks. So that was the first thing that didn’t go quite right.
Other things- well, there are a few flaws in the place that maintenance missed that can be fixed and some already have been taken care of. The blinds in one of the bedrooms didn’t work, a burner on the stove didn’t work, one screen on the window was slightly torn (these have been fixed). The carpet doesn’t quite meet the tile at one point, which still needs to be fixed. The one thing really annoying about the place that can’t be fixed- lack of bathroom space! The place has two bathrooms…two. But it only has a cupboard underneath the sink in each bathroom and that is all the storage. Oh, and a tiny medicine cabinet. No drawers, no shelves, NOTHING else. So we’re doing our best to figure it out-buying drawers to go under the sinks for organization, most likely buying shelves to put up, etc. But the bathrooms are tiny, not just lacking storage, so there won’t be a lot of room for shelving. And you must understand, the boyfriend actually has a LOT of bathroom stuff. Possibly more than me, and I’m a girl (well, duh). I have tons of makeup, despite the fact that I rarely wear it lately, and it is basically in a disorderly fashion in these drawers now because it has to be. I don’t want to throw most of it out though, because I want to start taking care of myself again and putting effort into my appearance. But honestly the lack of bathroom storage seems to be the biggest obstacle so far.
Because we ended up with so much help (by Saturday we had the boyfriend’s brother-in-law and father as well) I didn’t feel like I did as much as I could have, but yet I was unbelievably exhausted Saturday night. We went and had Italian for dinner and then came home and I was ready to just lie around for a while. Then I started to feel gross…nauseous. Sometimes this happens to me when I have gone too long without sleep so I immediately tried to go to sleep but between my mind racing with thoughts from the move and my stomach being upset I finally got sick. I really think my body just didn’t like the food because I felt better afterward, though I hate throwing up (sorry, you probably don’t want to know). So yes, I haven’t done that in years and the first night in my new place I threw up. Welcome to your new home! That was my second thing that didn’t really go well…ha.
This is getting way too long, so I won’t go into a ton of detail about Sunday. Just cleaning, the boyfriend’s friends helped AGAIN. :) One of them helped us put some artwork up on our walls so that was nice. Then yesterday I stayed home, slept most of the time like I said. Then last night I woke up and did some stuff. Then my last thing (hopefully LAST) for the move that hasn’t gone very well happened. I get these pains in my mid-back. They are on the inside though and I’m not sure if they are related to gallstones or kidney stones or what. They hurt like hell and often travel to the front while I’m having them…or maybe the front part is from the way I’m breathing, who knows? Anyway, the first time I had one was last May and I was given some pain killers and told to get a scan but I never got the scan, oops. I have only had a few since then and maybe used the pain killers 2 or 3 times. So one of those happened last night and after waiting for a while I took a pain killer. So two out of three nights in the new place have been a little too adventurous. Hopefully tonight is relatively tame. If you made it to the end of this I congratulate you. Wish me luck with the rest of unpacking!
I took Friday off because that was the day we started and the day we got the keys to the new place. That day the boyfriend hired packers to come over and get his stuff packed up, which sounded lazy to a lot of people (including some of you, perhaps?) but it was a blessing, really. They were efficient and given the amount of stuff he had and the lack of help we thought we might have it was a good idea. His sister came up and a friend of his came over, who can pretty much lift a car. :) At first we thought his sister might be the only person we would have to help with the move but luckily this friend was able to get time off of work. Another friend wrote the boyfriend an email saying it would be against his beliefs to help an unmarried couple move in together so…anyway, I was glad this friend came through.
The boyfriend’s sister brought two tall bookshelves from IKEA up to put together for the purposes of combining our DVD collections, and we decided to go buy desks that day and put them together that night because the majority of the stuff wasn’t getting moved until the next day. The packers were actually moving the stuff the next day (Saturday). We moved some of my stuff over Friday, but basically all I was able to do was hang some clothes in the closet due to lack of places to put other things. So, the boyfriend and I both found desks and we brought them back and by that time another friend had gotten off of work and decided to make his way over. I’ll tell you now we ended up with more help than we ever thought we would- the boyfriend has some awesome friends and I am very grateful for it. The desks, well, his was easy to put together. Mine was an accident waiting to happen. And it’s now together after hours of labor (by the friends, mind you) and the drawers don’t quite work correctly but I am not going to complain (at least not to them). It bugs me a little but I’ll live, the thing was so complex! They’re good enough and I’ll definitely be making cookies in the near future as a gesture of thanks. So that was the first thing that didn’t go quite right.
Other things- well, there are a few flaws in the place that maintenance missed that can be fixed and some already have been taken care of. The blinds in one of the bedrooms didn’t work, a burner on the stove didn’t work, one screen on the window was slightly torn (these have been fixed). The carpet doesn’t quite meet the tile at one point, which still needs to be fixed. The one thing really annoying about the place that can’t be fixed- lack of bathroom space! The place has two bathrooms…two. But it only has a cupboard underneath the sink in each bathroom and that is all the storage. Oh, and a tiny medicine cabinet. No drawers, no shelves, NOTHING else. So we’re doing our best to figure it out-buying drawers to go under the sinks for organization, most likely buying shelves to put up, etc. But the bathrooms are tiny, not just lacking storage, so there won’t be a lot of room for shelving. And you must understand, the boyfriend actually has a LOT of bathroom stuff. Possibly more than me, and I’m a girl (well, duh). I have tons of makeup, despite the fact that I rarely wear it lately, and it is basically in a disorderly fashion in these drawers now because it has to be. I don’t want to throw most of it out though, because I want to start taking care of myself again and putting effort into my appearance. But honestly the lack of bathroom storage seems to be the biggest obstacle so far.
Because we ended up with so much help (by Saturday we had the boyfriend’s brother-in-law and father as well) I didn’t feel like I did as much as I could have, but yet I was unbelievably exhausted Saturday night. We went and had Italian for dinner and then came home and I was ready to just lie around for a while. Then I started to feel gross…nauseous. Sometimes this happens to me when I have gone too long without sleep so I immediately tried to go to sleep but between my mind racing with thoughts from the move and my stomach being upset I finally got sick. I really think my body just didn’t like the food because I felt better afterward, though I hate throwing up (sorry, you probably don’t want to know). So yes, I haven’t done that in years and the first night in my new place I threw up. Welcome to your new home! That was my second thing that didn’t really go well…ha.
This is getting way too long, so I won’t go into a ton of detail about Sunday. Just cleaning, the boyfriend’s friends helped AGAIN. :) One of them helped us put some artwork up on our walls so that was nice. Then yesterday I stayed home, slept most of the time like I said. Then last night I woke up and did some stuff. Then my last thing (hopefully LAST) for the move that hasn’t gone very well happened. I get these pains in my mid-back. They are on the inside though and I’m not sure if they are related to gallstones or kidney stones or what. They hurt like hell and often travel to the front while I’m having them…or maybe the front part is from the way I’m breathing, who knows? Anyway, the first time I had one was last May and I was given some pain killers and told to get a scan but I never got the scan, oops. I have only had a few since then and maybe used the pain killers 2 or 3 times. So one of those happened last night and after waiting for a while I took a pain killer. So two out of three nights in the new place have been a little too adventurous. Hopefully tonight is relatively tame. If you made it to the end of this I congratulate you. Wish me luck with the rest of unpacking!
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