Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I think I finally figured out...
How to make the comments work! Yippee. Not that I get a lot of comments...but the ones I get are good! :)
The Toilet Runneth Over
Yes, you read that correctly. My toilet overflowed last night. Not once, but twice. *sigh* It was not a good way to end my work day on a Monday. Well, on any day for that matter. I've never had that happen to me before. The first time I just looked at it in horror and had no idea what to do. It was only water, but it was A LOT of water. I only have two towels so I immediately got them but they were nowhere near enough to take care of the mess. All I could think is "I want my Mommy" or "my Grandpa would know what to do!" Yes, it was traumatic.
Right after that the lady I live with (it is really her place, I just pay rent to live there) got home and I told her what was happening. Luckily she owns a ton of towels and gave them to me to use. After using about ten(!) it was reasonably cleaned up. She told me to try plunging and flushing again. Well, guess what? It started overflowing again. I held the plug down inside the tank so it didn't overflow as much but it still did a good amount. This time I used a fleece blanket, of all things, to do cleanup because I was running out of options. I told her it didn't work and I would pay for a plumber or something because I was not trying it again. She said she hated for me to have to do that because it was expensive but she had a number. Then she said she would do it because it's her place and it's not my fault it happened. I said I'd at least pay half because it's at least somewhat my fault. A few minutes later she said after she ate and went to the store she'd give it a go before resorting to a plumber. I said that was fine and I was going to go to the boyfriend's house to wash the towels. I wanted to get the hell out of there before more overflow happened. Oh, and when I was cleaning up the second time, it started making gurgling noises and THEN I thought to turn off the water source...smart cookie I am.
Dragging soaking wet towels in garbage bags is not a fun task, but I was glad to go over to his place and get out of there. It took me a few hours to wash and dry all the towels, the blanket, and the bathroom rug so that wasn't part of my evening plan either. I was sitting at his place when I received a call from her. She told me she got it fixed, it just needed to be plunged one more time. I said thank you, I'm very grateful and I'm sorry about the mess. She said it was fine and I had to do the hard part anyway. Yeah, I guess so. But I'm still scared to death to flush that toilet. But at least my brain tells me to go to the water source now. Yes, I'm getting a little too detailed now. What can I say, I got a lot less sleep due to the fact that my evening didn't go exactly as planned...zzz...
Right after that the lady I live with (it is really her place, I just pay rent to live there) got home and I told her what was happening. Luckily she owns a ton of towels and gave them to me to use. After using about ten(!) it was reasonably cleaned up. She told me to try plunging and flushing again. Well, guess what? It started overflowing again. I held the plug down inside the tank so it didn't overflow as much but it still did a good amount. This time I used a fleece blanket, of all things, to do cleanup because I was running out of options. I told her it didn't work and I would pay for a plumber or something because I was not trying it again. She said she hated for me to have to do that because it was expensive but she had a number. Then she said she would do it because it's her place and it's not my fault it happened. I said I'd at least pay half because it's at least somewhat my fault. A few minutes later she said after she ate and went to the store she'd give it a go before resorting to a plumber. I said that was fine and I was going to go to the boyfriend's house to wash the towels. I wanted to get the hell out of there before more overflow happened. Oh, and when I was cleaning up the second time, it started making gurgling noises and THEN I thought to turn off the water source...smart cookie I am.
Dragging soaking wet towels in garbage bags is not a fun task, but I was glad to go over to his place and get out of there. It took me a few hours to wash and dry all the towels, the blanket, and the bathroom rug so that wasn't part of my evening plan either. I was sitting at his place when I received a call from her. She told me she got it fixed, it just needed to be plunged one more time. I said thank you, I'm very grateful and I'm sorry about the mess. She said it was fine and I had to do the hard part anyway. Yeah, I guess so. But I'm still scared to death to flush that toilet. But at least my brain tells me to go to the water source now. Yes, I'm getting a little too detailed now. What can I say, I got a lot less sleep due to the fact that my evening didn't go exactly as planned...zzz...
Friday, October 23, 2009
As Good as it Gets
My brain is totally random most of the time. I'll be able to link the strangest things together. I don't know if I've become this way as I've gotten older or if I've always been this way. Could it be a form of ADD? I don't know. It's certainly not ADHD. I am FAR from hyperactive. Anyway, case in point. I just bought some noodle salad from the lady that comes through and sells items in the lunch room. I was hungry, it looked decent and I haven't had a salad like that in a while. Well, it got me thinking about the movie "As Good as it Gets". Why, do you ask? Because of this little area of the movie-
Carol Connelly: OK, we all have these terrible stories to get over, and you-...
Melvin Udall: It's not true. Some have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car. But, a lot of people, that's their story. Good times, noodle salad. What makes it so hard is not that you had it bad, but that you're that pissed that so many others had it good.
Yes, the fact that I had some noodle salad made me think of this movie. Well, and the fact that I love this line. I think it may apply to me. I do sometimes get pissed that others had/have it better. But then something horrible will happen to someone, whether it is someone I am close to or someone I don't even know, and it usually puts me in check and I'll quit it for a while. I think one of my issues isn't that my life doesn't have any "pretty stories"...it's that I'm just so much better at focusing on the other ones. And some of the nice ones I don't even remember. Hmm...there is more to this, but I really should work. To be continued...
Carol Connelly: OK, we all have these terrible stories to get over, and you-...
Melvin Udall: It's not true. Some have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car. But, a lot of people, that's their story. Good times, noodle salad. What makes it so hard is not that you had it bad, but that you're that pissed that so many others had it good.
Yes, the fact that I had some noodle salad made me think of this movie. Well, and the fact that I love this line. I think it may apply to me. I do sometimes get pissed that others had/have it better. But then something horrible will happen to someone, whether it is someone I am close to or someone I don't even know, and it usually puts me in check and I'll quit it for a while. I think one of my issues isn't that my life doesn't have any "pretty stories"...it's that I'm just so much better at focusing on the other ones. And some of the nice ones I don't even remember. Hmm...there is more to this, but I really should work. To be continued...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
My Old Job...
The one I've been done with for nearly four months already...well, I'm being a nice person and helping the people that do that job out today. But man, I don't necessarily feel like being a nice person right now. I'm TIRED. I'm tired a lot lately, and it's not just because of staying up until all hours to see the boyfriend. I haven't stayed there the last couple of nights and I'm still tired. Is it because work leaves me uninspired? Wow, I can rhyme. Part of it could be the days that keep getting shorter and shorter, which will continue for two more months. Ugh. I don't know. I'm not always in a bad mood. Just when I blog. Ha. I'm really in a better place right now than I was for all of 2008 and part of 2009. During that time I was unemployed, smoked, dated a jerk or two, had a one-night stand or two, lived with disgusting roommates, and had some friendships tested (some of which failed). Why on earth do I still have this discontent feeling inside me surfacing from time to time? It honestly happens most often when work is involved, I think. Which is why I feel as though something inside me is telling me that I need to figure out what I WANT to do. Because I really don't mind where I work. And the job isn't bad, for the most part. When I have a day that it seems as though I've done a lot of stuff wrong it grates on me, but I live with it. But I've worked in much worse jobs, with much worse people and bosses. Hmm...or maybe I miss my family. It would be nice to have them a bit closer to see every once in a while. Ok, enough analyzing. I guess I do use my psychology degree...on myself!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sick sick SICK!
So I'm barely posting anymore but...apparently swine is getting closer to home now. At work, at least two people have kids who have it. And a third person has a child who might have it. And I think that person was just here WITH HER CHILD. I'm not sure if the kid was here too or not, I sit not too far from her and I didn't hear him. But if so, WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU BRING HIM IN HERE? Okay, I need to get back to work. Especially if I decide to become a swine and can't get anything done. :P
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The "Cool" Crowd
In high school I wasn't in it...and it looks as though nearly ten years later I'm still not "quite" good enough. Why do I slightly care? I'm not sure...
Friday, October 9, 2009
Revealing Some Things About Me
Someone else's blog encouraged me to write something a little deeper today. Something more than complaining about my job or talking about my boyfriend. Oh, and last night's "Grey's Anatomy" may have contributed as well. Let's see, what happened on Grey's Anatomy last night. If you don't watch the show you'll have no idea what I'm talking about but here goes. Meredith and Lexi's dad came into the hospital with a failed liver. This was due to all the alcohol he drank, although he had been sober for 90 days I guess. Anyway, he actually was a dad to Lexi growing up so she immediately got tested to see if she could donate part of her liver to him. She wasn't a match. Meredith barely knew him growing up. He had never been a father to her. She had no intention of even checking if she could donate to him. But Lexi pleaded with her and she was a match and she did it. Yes, it's just a TV show. But of course it got me thinking...
My father is a jackass. Plain and simple. I haven't talked to him in over 10 years and I don't plan to any time soon. I've only talked to him once or twice since my mom left him in 1997. I was a freshman in high school. I put up with him for the first 15 years of my life. And there's no way I can imagine donating part of my liver to save his life. And knowing the way things go, I'd probably be a match. That's just the way it is. But I wouldn't even get tested.
One thing I do like about living in the area I live in now is I know I'm not going to see him when I'm out and about somewhere. Living in my hometown there was always a chance. Granted, he was such a recluse and rarely came out unless it was to go to the bar at night so it wasn't that like even back home, but there was always that possibility. But why, you ask, did was I so scared at the thought of running into him? Even I don't really know...
You see, growing up I knew my father had a temper. That much was obvious. And you could tell by the look on his face and the evil gleam in his eyes when he was mad. The thing is, he never hit me. I don't recall him ever even yelling at me. This is why I'm not quite sure why I get a horrible feeling in my stomach at the thought of running into him, or hearing his voice on the phone. My mom was the one he hit. I didn't even witness that very often, although I was not a dumb child and knew what was going on. I'd wake up to tables turned upside down and holes punched in walls. Finally the glass was broke so many times in our coffee table we put plywood (sp?) in it. *sigh* I think the worst part I remember...well, since I didn't really witness the abuse to my mom. The worst part I remember was the abuse to our dog. We had one dog until I was in middle school or late elementary school or something. I'm not sure, I really don't remember timelines all that well. Anyway, he was incredibly abusive to her. God, it's pissing me off just thinking about it. She'd just be laying in her bed, minding her own business and he'd walk up to her and start kicking her and moving his foot around on her roughly. And that wasn't all. But I can't write about it anymore right now. How's this for a nice Friday blog? I need a shrink.
My father is a jackass. Plain and simple. I haven't talked to him in over 10 years and I don't plan to any time soon. I've only talked to him once or twice since my mom left him in 1997. I was a freshman in high school. I put up with him for the first 15 years of my life. And there's no way I can imagine donating part of my liver to save his life. And knowing the way things go, I'd probably be a match. That's just the way it is. But I wouldn't even get tested.
One thing I do like about living in the area I live in now is I know I'm not going to see him when I'm out and about somewhere. Living in my hometown there was always a chance. Granted, he was such a recluse and rarely came out unless it was to go to the bar at night so it wasn't that like even back home, but there was always that possibility. But why, you ask, did was I so scared at the thought of running into him? Even I don't really know...
You see, growing up I knew my father had a temper. That much was obvious. And you could tell by the look on his face and the evil gleam in his eyes when he was mad. The thing is, he never hit me. I don't recall him ever even yelling at me. This is why I'm not quite sure why I get a horrible feeling in my stomach at the thought of running into him, or hearing his voice on the phone. My mom was the one he hit. I didn't even witness that very often, although I was not a dumb child and knew what was going on. I'd wake up to tables turned upside down and holes punched in walls. Finally the glass was broke so many times in our coffee table we put plywood (sp?) in it. *sigh* I think the worst part I remember...well, since I didn't really witness the abuse to my mom. The worst part I remember was the abuse to our dog. We had one dog until I was in middle school or late elementary school or something. I'm not sure, I really don't remember timelines all that well. Anyway, he was incredibly abusive to her. God, it's pissing me off just thinking about it. She'd just be laying in her bed, minding her own business and he'd walk up to her and start kicking her and moving his foot around on her roughly. And that wasn't all. But I can't write about it anymore right now. How's this for a nice Friday blog? I need a shrink.
Monday, October 5, 2009
So it's October...
And the daylight hours are definitely getting shorter. My least favorite part about fall and winter. Icy roads rank pretty high up there too. But anyway, I didn't really see any of the daylight hours today. I slept and slept and slept. The boyfriend woke me up before he left for work at one in the afternoon and told me I should get up, he didn't want me to waste my whole day. Well...I went back to sleep after he went to work and woke up around seven in the evening. Horrible! I sleep so much on the weekends, and I really do think part of it is due to not sleeping enough during the week. I've read before that the body cannot "catch up" on sleep, and basically it's a night to night thing, but I think that's BS. Or my body does anyway. But then the pills for the seizures factor in. One of them has a side effect of making me drowsy, and I am on a high dosage of that one. And seizures also make me tired, and well...Saturday evening, when I was going to be ambitious and make cookies, I felt like I was going to have one and so I immediately went to sleep. I'm not sure if I had one or not. I haven't in quite a while, and I usually go to sleep immediately after having one if I can, but I also try to lay down or sleep if I feel like I'm going to have one as well. Of course this isn't always possible. I've been bad about taking my pills lately, and have been missing some as well. I was never this way until I moved to this area and got on a bad sleeping schedule. Even in college I didn't tend to miss my pills...not that I even had pills that worked in college. Often I'll be so tired I fall asleep at an odd time without taking them, and by the time I wake up again it's too late for that dosage. Etc, etc... There are a few things I'd like to change about myself...my weight, the fact that I can grow a beard like a man (no, I'm not exaggerating), feeling depressed...but I know if I had to pick one, as much as I'd like to pick the weight, I'd pick the seizures. I don't want to take pills for the rest of my life, especially when they truly don't always work, because my body always has to be difficult. At least I found a doctor in Spokane after having them for years that helped me. I don't have a lot of faith in doctors after that. I've had three that lost their licenses. Not due to me, by the way. Although one I could have helped with...I won't go into that.
Yes, that was some whining by yours truly. I don't write a lot of uplifting blogs, do I? Well, I hope this week is better than last week. I started last week in a discontent mood due to a little conflict with the boyfriend, then that got better about halfway through, then work got worse, lol. I'm planning on going in early to get everything done that got neglected last week, but it's going to happen on no sleep since I slept the whole day away. *sigh* I better get up though! I will be in deep doo-doo. But the boyfriend did get me some pretty sunflowers last Thurs night when he came home from work...that made me smile. And this week we've been together six months. Wow. This Saturday we're going to a play downtown. On the advice of his sister I got him tickets for his birthday. We've talked about going to something before and it sounded interesting. I hope it's not a flop! Oh well, we can just kiss the whole time. Just kidding! We're not that way in public...and we're not in the back row. lol.
Okay, it's time to maybe try to sleep. We'll see. Another blog of random thoughts...I guess that's one of the ideas I had for the blog.
Yes, that was some whining by yours truly. I don't write a lot of uplifting blogs, do I? Well, I hope this week is better than last week. I started last week in a discontent mood due to a little conflict with the boyfriend, then that got better about halfway through, then work got worse, lol. I'm planning on going in early to get everything done that got neglected last week, but it's going to happen on no sleep since I slept the whole day away. *sigh* I better get up though! I will be in deep doo-doo. But the boyfriend did get me some pretty sunflowers last Thurs night when he came home from work...that made me smile. And this week we've been together six months. Wow. This Saturday we're going to a play downtown. On the advice of his sister I got him tickets for his birthday. We've talked about going to something before and it sounded interesting. I hope it's not a flop! Oh well, we can just kiss the whole time. Just kidding! We're not that way in public...and we're not in the back row. lol.
Okay, it's time to maybe try to sleep. We'll see. Another blog of random thoughts...I guess that's one of the ideas I had for the blog.
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