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And the daylight hours are definitely getting shorter. My least favorite part about fall and winter. Icy roads rank pretty high up there too. But anyway, I didn't really see any of the daylight hours today. I slept and slept and slept. The boyfriend woke me up before he left for work at one in the afternoon and told me I should get up, he didn't want me to waste my whole day. Well...I went back to sleep after he went to work and woke up around seven in the evening. Horrible! I sleep so much on the weekends, and I really do think part of it is due to not sleeping enough during the week. I've read before that the body cannot "catch up" on sleep, and basically it's a night to night thing, but I think that's BS. Or my body does anyway. But then the pills for the seizures factor in. One of them has a side effect of making me drowsy, and I am on a high dosage of that one. And seizures also make me tired, and well...Saturday evening, when I was going to be ambitious and make cookies, I felt like I was going to have one and so I immediately went to sleep. I'm not sure if I had one or not. I haven't in quite a while, and I usually go to sleep immediately after having one if I can, but I also try to lay down or sleep if I feel like I'm going to have one as well. Of course this isn't always possible. I've been bad about taking my pills lately, and have been missing some as well. I was never this way until I moved to this area and got on a bad sleeping schedule. Even in college I didn't tend to miss my pills...not that I even had pills that worked in college. Often I'll be so tired I fall asleep at an odd time without taking them, and by the time I wake up again it's too late for that dosage. Etc, etc... There are a few things I'd like to change about weight, the fact that I can grow a beard like a man (no, I'm not exaggerating), feeling depressed...but I know if I had to pick one, as much as I'd like to pick the weight, I'd pick the seizures. I don't want to take pills for the rest of my life, especially when they truly don't always work, because my body always has to be difficult. At least I found a doctor in Spokane after having them for years that helped me. I don't have a lot of faith in doctors after that. I've had three that lost their licenses. Not due to me, by the way. Although one I could have helped with...I won't go into that.
Yes, that was some whining by yours truly. I don't write a lot of uplifting blogs, do I? Well, I hope this week is better than last week. I started last week in a discontent mood due to a little conflict with the boyfriend, then that got better about halfway through, then work got worse, lol. I'm planning on going in early to get everything done that got neglected last week, but it's going to happen on no sleep since I slept the whole day away. *sigh* I better get up though! I will be in deep doo-doo. But the boyfriend did get me some pretty sunflowers last Thurs night when he came home from work...that made me smile. And this week we've been together six months. Wow. This Saturday we're going to a play downtown. On the advice of his sister I got him tickets for his birthday. We've talked about going to something before and it sounded interesting. I hope it's not a flop! Oh well, we can just kiss the whole time. Just kidding! We're not that way in public...and we're not in the back row. lol.
Okay, it's time to maybe try to sleep. We'll see. Another blog of random thoughts...I guess that's one of the ideas I had for the blog.
How are you feeling these days?
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