And of course it relates back to my father. The morning of Christmas Eve was always filled with nervous anticipation because of him. Christmas Eve was a tradition of going to my grandma and grandpa's (Mom's mom and stepdad) for dinner and present-opening. My father always 'hated" going and used the excuse "they didn't like him" and blah blah blah. In front of his little kid, me, mind you. And so he would put off getting ready, take way too long in the bathroom, etc, and we would always be at least two hours late. Two hours late! And that was after a huge struggle to even get there. And then the grandparents and the rest of my mom's family were always completely nice to him. I do always remember getting tons of presents from my grandparents, which was awesome. :) *sigh* But it was awful getting there, and I was always afraid this one relative would piss him off once we got there. Most of the relatives catered to my dad's asshole personality, but not all. Then of course after we left in the evenings, we never went home immediately. My father was a regular pot smoker and probably still is, and my mother actually was too until I was around five. He'd end up taking us to some friends place and I'd be up with them all night and not get to sleep until some awful hour. So then I wouldn't wake up until noon or something to have "Christmas morning". Isn't a kid supposed to pop out of bed at 6am and not be able to stand it anymore? And I don't think he was there for me opening my presents; that part I'm not sure of though...
And then Christmas other grandparents' house is where we'd go (his parents). The place would generally be crowded...he has four sisters and a brother...I have a lot of cousins on that side. That day would be filled with nervous anticipation as well because someone would ALWAYS get in a fight. Be it a pair of his sisters, or my father and my grandpa, it was always someone. So that always made Christmas merry, believe me. And it was a small house in a cold area so there certainly wasn't anywhere to escape to. At this point I don't remember at all what anyone fought about...stupid petty things I'm sure. I just remember feeling upset and nervous. I honestly don't think I cried though, although knowing the person I am today I'm surprised I didn't. I generally cry when upset...maybe that has developed with age. I think crying would've made it worse and I knew that, but I really don't remember. It's strange I don't remember many of the details but just how I felt in general...did I forget them on purpose or were they trivial? I do have a bad memory...or maybe I was just too young...
The memories of our childhoods, the things our parents don't know we knew about!
Sometimes, some things are better left unremembered.
When you get married and have children of your own, you can give them the things you wish you had. Make their lives so different from the way your life was.
It really sucks to have potheads for parents. Very selfish too, because they had a little girl in tow. You deserve a really good life, and I know you will get it!
How was your holidays in Idaho?
Holidays were pretty good...I will hopefully be writing a blog soon. Got sick and now I'm lacking energy!
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