Oh, as for the saga of Faith...I'm pretty sure she didn't sleep with Jesse again. Joe is being a pretty big jerk now, in my opinion. He won't meet up with her to talk, so after a couple days when she started feeling stronger she told him it was fine, she didn't want to be chasing after him, to bring her stuff back and that would be goodbye. Then he said "friends?" and she didn't know what the heck to say. He was being a...ahem...dummy in my opinion by saying that at that moment. So she just said to give her the stuff back. The "stuff" by the way is some memorabilia she took to him at work a couple weeks ago to remind him of the person she is and remind him of them. She also gave him a card which he claimed he hadn't had time to read yet. She's a good artist and she put a painting of a rose she did in there and she really wants it back. So after she said no he told her he's not giving her stuff back. And that's basically where it's at right now. Joe used to seem like a good guy but now I don't know what he thinks he's doing. I don't know if he's just playing games, if he really has a girlfriend, or what.
What's going on with me in particular? Well a lot of birthday's are coming up. Plus Halloween will be here soon. The boyfriend's friends and family have a tradition of celebrating everyone's birthday's with a party and there are three in November but I believe we have decided to consolidate the parties into one. Plus the boyfriend's sister is having a party on the night before Halloween. As for the birthdays, one is mine on the 10th of November. I'll will be 29, yikes. Two of the boyfriend's friends are born in November as well, one on the same day as me. I kind of don't like sharing my birthday with someone else the boyfriend is close to...but shh, that's just between me and whoever actually reads this. :) It doesn't matter that much, really. Last year the boyfriend and I had only been together for about 7 months and I didn't want to make his friend's celebrate my birthday so I made sure that mine wasn't really the focus of any party. This year I figured I'd be part of it since it has been a lot longer. The other night everyone met up at a popular eatery we all go for dinner. I chose to skip and be lazy but everyone else showed. The topic of the upcoming birthdays came up and I guess one of the friends said "are we obligated to buy something for Melissa too?" The boyfriend apparently got protective and I think the matter was resolved quickly. But I don't want anyone to feel as though the are obligated to buy something for me. Sheesh. I honestly think sometimes the birthday thing gets a little out of control with this group, but I know it started for the sake of celebration. I'm just the whiny type who gets stressed by too many celebrations. :)
All right, I'll get going for now. A few more minutes and I'll get ready for work. And actually, maybe get there early. And people will react with shock and awe. Which actually starts to get on my nerves too. Hmm, maybe I'm too sensitive lately.
I KNOW what you mean by being annoyed when people react with shock and awe. I just want to slap them!! M-A has been picking on me about my clothes being baggy and that I'm hiding... so when I do wear something that actually fits, good god, you'd think she just saw fireworks for the first time?! Pfft.
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