Yesterday consisted of me laying around the house doing absolutely nothing. I'm talking about Saturday when I say yesterday, mind you. I came home from the boyfriend's place after we both woke up, and played my video game mostly. Did various other things online, watched a bit of a movie, and finally started a book. Amazing how much time that video game took, because I didn't spend that much time doing the rest of it. Before I knew it, it was 4am. At least I got out of the house today...saw a movie with my friend, had an early dinner and just sat in the sun at the mall for a while. It was really quite a nice afternoon/early evening. I really do need to get outside more. I say this to myself a lot, so far it hasn't helped! But soon winter will be upon us and I'll have no reason to get outside. The days are already getting shorter. Yuck. I hate when it's dark all the time. The worst part about winter in my opinion.
Well, maybe I'll try to get some sleep now. I am going over to the boyfriend's place tomorrow will be two whole days since I've seen him! :) We didn't spend time on Saturday because he hadn't hung out with a friend in a while, and his friend sessions tend to go till all hours. And of course he worked today. So I'll be missing him like crazy by tomorrow night. I'm still amazed I found someone like him. And grateful...very grateful.
Bad habits are hard to break!! :)
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