Anyway, that was a tangent that I went off on that I didn't set out to do. Back to my Saturday. I'm at the boyfriend's apartment rather than at home. Another big reason I didn't leave I think. I have a whole apartment to myself, rather than a room to myself like I do at my own place. I haven't had an apartment to myself since I lived in Idaho. I love where I live now compared to the apartment I previously lived in. Ever lived with a bunch of guys in their early 20's? I hope no one who reads this has. Only one was supposed to live there but he had friends stay all the time and I was too passive to say anything. The place became hell on earth to look at and I just stayed in my room when I was home, unless I had to go to the bathroom. It was my best friend's brother too and she was supposed to live there as well but she had started staying with her boyfriend long ago and so the brother had taken over. I probably would have gone insane eventually but I met the boyfriend before I did and was able to escape the place fairly often for the last few months of living there. Now I owe the complex a ton of money for damages. Ain't life grand?
Wow, my brain is going all directions tonight. This isn't unusual. It's usually going all directions. Sometimes I wonder if I have ADD, ha. I've always been someone who thinks constantly. I think it's a curse, but it can be a blessing in some ways I guess. But now it seems I think of a bunch of different things all the time. Is it just more on my mind? Who knows. I take a million prescriptions with a billion side effects. So that could be one of them. How's that for exaggeration?
Well I think I'll get going for now. This is definitely a post with some random thoughts...and pointless information! Time to go stare at the TV, and fight my craving for cookies and cream ice cream.
Does the new position really pay that much more than your old position did? I thought the difference was only like $1. But thats better than nothing, I think.
My blog is basically my main means of socializing. I always stay home, because I like staying home. I don't go out and do crazy things like everybody else does. I am perfectly content just staying in. I am glad you found a boyfriend-- but don't lose yourself IN him. Like you said, what the heck were you doing before he came into your life? It would be really healthy if you kept hold of who you are while your in a relationship like that. Sounds serious and I am happy for you! Now where is my man? :(
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