Okay, not really, but wow. I went to the dentist yesterday for the first time in a couple years. Yes, I know I'm horrible. But after moving from Idaho to Washington I hadn't bothered to find another one. I really liked the one I had back in Idaho and I think that made me not want to look for a new one. Well, a lady at work recommended this one so I went finally today, after getting the recommendation in July...yes, I'm a slacker.
Anyway, I went in and they were really nice...somewhat fake nice, somewhat real nice. There was some of both I think. Of course of there is some of both in the coworker that recommended the place. So anyway, there was a bunch of stuff that happened but the part I want to tell you all about is the pain. Yes, pain. The hygienist did what is called "periodontal charting" I believe, and it hurt like hell. Now, I don't know if it hurt like hell because my gums are unbelievably bad or because she presses harder than the average person, but I was literally starting to twitch in my chair. It seems like I have gotten this done before and it wasn't as bad, but maybe not. I don't know. Anyway, in the end apparently not only did I get to be poked and prodded painfully, but it was concluded I have periodontal disease and need a deep cleaning and a few other things. The fact that I'm type 2 diabetic made it easier for me to get this bone loss and have gum problems, but I really should have been taking care of my teeth. Maybe this exam wouldn't have made me want to punch people?
When I was a kid, I was scared to death of the dentist. I'm not sure why, but I was. A lot of kids are I guess. One time I think I was given a mild tranquilizer before going. When I got into my teenage years, I started going to my old dentist and their philosophy was "no pain" and I really liked that place. I got over my phobia of the dentist. But maybe my little kid self saw the exam I had yesterday in my future or something! Anyway, my mom has had a "deep cleaning" at the other dentist before and she said they numbed it beforehand. I wonder if this place will? Or should I keep a flask of whiskey in my purse? No, wait, vodka. Much harder to smell. Eek!
Oh I am right there with you on the dentist. I will NOT go unless I am absolutely in pain and can not wait any longer. I know that isnt good of me but I do fear the dentist and I will sweat myself right out of the chair out of fear! I have been to several and they are all painful so that is why I wait til I am in God awful pain to go and hopefully it couldnt get any worse...that's what I hope anyway:)
Bleeeeeh. Dentists are the weirdest people, I think. The dentist I am going to now, though is not too bad. They are extremely gentle. They do things to make you relax... music, hot pillows behind your neck, TV on the ceiling. I like them, but I don't want to go anyway!!
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