Enough birthday bitterness--well, one last thing. It's on a TUESDAY this year. What a lame day. But I guess anything other than Friday, Saturday, and maybe Sunday is pretty blah. Ok, back to good birthday things. The boyfriend, his sister and brother in law took me to dinner on Friday at the Cheesecake Factory for the big 28. The boyfriend asked me on Thursday if I wanted my present on Friday night or if I wanted to wait until my actual birthday on Tuesday to get it. I told him it didn't matter, it was up to him. I wasn't incredibly curious yet. He said his sister really wanted to see the look on my face when I got it. Then he started giving me all these hints, which made me extremely curious and so I told him he had to give it to me Friday night. Can you guess what it was from these hints?
1) It's smaller than a breadbox
2)It's mostly one color, but the other color will stand out more
3)The size can be changed
4)It "marks" me in a way (this is when I asked him if he got me markers or something)
Eh, there may have been other clues, but I can't remember. It ended up being a garnet necklace made of white gold. Totally sweet of him. I could tell how eager he was for me to get it and how much he wanted me to like it. :) I definitely like it. Although a couple others had me wondering if it could be some kind of engagement ring or something. *gulp* I really knew he was too practical to do that but a couple things he said made me wonder. We'd definitely need more time and discussion before he'd do something like that. His sister and bro-in-law got me a movie and a bunch of homemade cookies. I only shared a couple with the boyfriend. Yes, I'm stingy about my sweets and the gut shows it. So I won't be getting much of anything on the actual day, which is fine. I already got the present from my mom as well- a new cell phone! :)
This Saturday we will be celebrating two more birthdays, two of his friends are born in November as well. One is born on my birthday. It almost bugs me. :) I'd like to have my birthday all to myself where my boyfriend is concerned, not have one of his best friends born on that day as well. But this friend is a nice guy so I'm ok with it. Listen to me, I sound like a spoiled brat. But since when was November such a popular month for babies to be born? People need to stop having so much fun around Valentine's Day!
Birthdays are awesome! Don't bag on your own birthday!
Hopping over from Nikki's blog...
If no one else wishes you Happy Birthday tomorrow, then Happy Birthday! Mine was yesterday. The big 3-2 for me. I know what you mean about birthday bitterness though. It's sad that my blog friends were all over wishing me happy birthday and I still haven't heard a single word from some family. Of course it would be different if we didn't live states away, but still.
By the way, I'm having a giveaway on my blog this week so come by and check it out!
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