Work has been a bit overwhelming this week. I got a couple new cities, which is good because I've been bored. However this happened right before a busy time on my calendar and a long weekend so I've been behind. I think I got somewhat caught up though, we'll see. I really need to remember to bring my iPod and headphones in with me every day. Sometimes it makes me uncomfortable to work with it on, but I think I'm going to lose it if I hear much more of the drama coming from "the cubicle" over yonder. I hope my coworker and former coworker aren't offended when I blog about being annoyed at coworkers, but it drives me nuts to hear this day after day. I've been dysfunctional when it comes to men before, don't get me wrong. But have I been this bad? Day in day out it's some sort of needing advice, I'm done, what's he thinking, what does he want, etc... I have been this way. It was always over one guy at a time. And there have only been a couple. She is constantly going out with a new guy, fretting over him, asking all these questions, and constantly being disappointed. I probably sound callous. But the main reason I'm annoyed is because it's ridiculous how loud it gets over there. I hear all the man problems because of how loud she speaks, and it gets really old when I'm trying to concentrate on something. Well, it gets really old in general. Now the way the office is set up it is easy to hear other people's voices/conversations, but she is just louder than necessary. Even on personal calls...or sometimes especially on personal calls. I also hear all the noise from the lunchroom in my cube so that can get old as well. I could write a gossip column for the office because of the stuff I don't even try to hear.
Ok, this has really just been random stuff because I'm not really focused on anything. Tomorrow after work I'm supposed to drive south of Seattle to help the boyfriend cat-sit for his sister and bro-in-law for the weekend. We've done it before and it's nice to be in a house, just a little crazy because they have five cats, two are kittens and extremely hyper. Just not looking forward to driving south in rush hour on a Friday...
Melissa!!! I knew something had to be up with you lately. I'm glad you finally blogged about what was going on.
I think I know who you're talking about "down yonder". There is only one like her!!! But didn't she move to a new cubile?
Co-workers being offended by what you write about co-workers? Never. You've seen me do that on my blog. This is your blog. This is your place to vent. This is your place to write. You should feel comfortable writing WHATEVER you want. Even if you want to tell me to bugger off. :)
Have you ever told the boyfriend that you didn't want to be with him one night? It might be empowering for you.
Yeah, the ex-coworker doesn't care either. Ummm...have we met? Ha!
I can see how you'd be concerned moving in when he needs those nights off!
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