Thursday, November 5, 2009

Burning Nose

I've heard if your nose itches, company is coming. Or that you're going to kiss a fool. There's another one too, but I've forgotten it. I think it means you're going to sneeze (duh). Aren't I creative? Anyway, what causes your nose to CONSTANTLY BURN? Because that is what mine has been doing since I got up this morning. Well, since I sneezed five minutes after I awoke this morning. All in all I'm feeling better but I woke up with a nose that won't quit burning on the inside. It's not intolerable...not even making my eyes water. And no, nose, that's not an invitation to make it worse. But it's constant and annoying and I want it to stop. I've been taking drinks of hot teas and waiting for them to make my nose start burning to see if after I swallow the nose will stop. It doesn't. How would an ice cube up the nose feel? *cringe* I'm not to that point yet. Although I swear my nose started burning more after I wrote that. Just as long as I'm getting better at all that's good. I don't want to be sneezing all over the place at the Cheesecake Factory when I go to dinner for my birthday tomorrow. Wish me (and my nose) luck on no more itching, watering and burning. I guess worse parts of me could be itching, watering and burning...that's food for thought.


Furry Bottoms said...

*giggles* Melissa, someone's thinking of you when your nose itches.

Sinus? Allergies? DONT get sick. Its not fun. I know I am off this entire week, but its not like I can enjoy the time off. Have you ever heard of sharting?

meliss3092 said...

No sharting, no sharting! I have been sick, today is the first day I'm better. But not as sick as you. Get well, you probably don't have enough sick time to be sick for too long!