Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Fat Girl's Ketchup

I hear a lot of people talk about french fries lately. About how french fries are their weakness, and the greasiness is incredibly fulfilling when consumed. Some people are better at resisting than others. I'm not one of these people. Why, you ask? A lot of the reason is because I love "the fat girl's ketchup" so much.

Have you heard this term before? I hadn't until last week. I hope it's not a copyright infringement or something. Anyway, it's a term for ranch dressing and I guess using it other places besides a salad? Well, I love it. And especially on my french fries. Which probably explains why McDonald's fries aren't a major weakness of mine, because I don't dunk them in ranch. But as for other places...I love Jack in the Box fries with ranch. I got a little pissed at the boyfriend one time when I got Jack in the Box and he only asked for two ranch. You see, I got chicken strips that time instead of a burger, and two little containers of ranch is not enough for chicken strips and fries. Yes, I love it on my chicken strips as well. Red Robin is another awesome place for this. I often get "clucks and fries" and of course a container of ranch. Chicken strips and fries dunked in ranch, my own little piece of greasy, fattening heaven.

Now I can't say I'm one of those people who puts "the fat girl's ketchup" on everything. Chicken strips, fries, sometimes on my salad (if I ever have one) are pretty much my main things. Sometimes sandwiches if I'm going all out. I've seen some people put actual ketchup on almost everything. I find it strange. But I'm sure others find me strange. I take something fattening and make it worse. Ketchup would be better, even if it has sugars in it. I even decide to make my burgers worse...I choose mayonnaise on those rather than ketchup. I didn't even know I preferred that until college. Gotta love what a college education did for me. So what should we call using mayo in place of ketchup? Hmm...


Anonymous said...

Mustard, if you get used to eating mustard, it's no fat and no sugar, so can eat a lot of it with no calories.

Do you want things to be different, you can make it happen rather easily. Say when you want to start? Lose that fat label...


Alicia said...

Oh I use to love ranch dressing with my fries! I even use to dip my pizza in it! It was really good but I havent done it on I have a craving!

Jules AF said...

Fries make me sick, so it's a tinier bit easier for me to resist. TINY. I still get them every once in a while, and reeeaaaally regret it.

meliss3092 said...

I forgot I like ranch with pizza from time to time. Crap!

Furry Bottoms said...

How old were you in the new picture? :)

Psst, I ran into your NEW shoes in the bathroom yesterday!! I had to chuckle... Are they comfy?

Don't get me started on ranch... I have to have ranch with my fries everytime I go to Red Robins.

I like what Secretia said-- mustard. Pretzels and mustard... a no-fat snack! Yea, mustard has to become the new ketrach (ketchup/ranch), me thinks.

Dutch Sugar Babe said...

For some strange reason I'm feeling hungry now.
I'm not a ketchup girl *WHAT?* Yes, I only eat it when I mix it up with mayonnaise. Now that's yummy on french fries :)