Monday, August 17, 2009

And I'm Awake...

It's almost 1am and here I am, awake when I have to be to work at 7am. Yes, I'm probably crazy. It's not even because I'm at the boyfriend's house or anything. It's just...because! Maybe extending the weekend as long as possible...prolonging time until the inevitable Monday morning. Of course I didn't get up until 2:30 in the afternoon today, and 3pm yesterday, so you could say I'm on a schedule of getting up late and going to bed late. I'd be much better off with an evening shift job, except I do prefer working during the day...although I'm not sure why. Better jobs tend to exist during the day? Who knows?

Yesterday consisted of me laying around the house doing absolutely nothing. I'm talking about Saturday when I say yesterday, mind you. I came home from the boyfriend's place after we both woke up, and played my video game mostly. Did various other things online, watched a bit of a movie, and finally started a book. Amazing how much time that video game took, because I didn't spend that much time doing the rest of it. Before I knew it, it was 4am. At least I got out of the house today...saw a movie with my friend, had an early dinner and just sat in the sun at the mall for a while. It was really quite a nice afternoon/early evening. I really do need to get outside more. I say this to myself a lot, so far it hasn't helped! But soon winter will be upon us and I'll have no reason to get outside. The days are already getting shorter. Yuck. I hate when it's dark all the time. The worst part about winter in my opinion.

Well, maybe I'll try to get some sleep now. I am going over to the boyfriend's place tomorrow will be two whole days since I've seen him! :) We didn't spend time on Saturday because he hadn't hung out with a friend in a while, and his friend sessions tend to go till all hours. And of course he worked today. So I'll be missing him like crazy by tomorrow night. I'm still amazed I found someone like him. And grateful...very grateful.


Furry Bottoms said...

Bad habits are hard to break!! :)